Foundation Communities’ new program, Shopping Buddies, matches volunteers with single adult residents ages 55+. Due to mobility impairments and other barriers, our participating residents lack reliable, consistent access to the grocery store. Volunteers can help address this vital need in one of two ways: 

1. If the client is able to, volunteers can provide transportation to and from the grocery store and assist with shopping and unloading. 

2. If the client has barriers to going to the store, volunteers assist by picking up curbside orders and delivering to the resident’s apartment; volunteers may also assist with placing curbside orders online. 

Clients will provide payment for all purchases. You will shop for the same client each time, allowing y’all to build a relationship and offer social support to one another. Trips will take place once or twice a month at a time that works for you both – weekdays or weekends, daytime or evenings!


Volunteers must be 18 year old or older, able to make a six-month commitment, and have access to reliable transportation. Volunteers will also be required to clear background and driving background checks (no cost) and provide proof of current auto insurance. Read more expectations and qualifications HERE.


We will begin by enrolling two clients per supportive housing community, including locations in Northwest, Northeast, Central, and South Austin, and we are looking for 14 caring volunteers to help pilot the program with us.


Can you help? Click HERE to complete our interest form, which will add you to the list to receive more information about our upcoming training on July 27 at Noon. The session will be recorded and available on demand after that date. Send questions to